Red color represents passion、energy and innovation.
● A is for Advance.
● K is for Knowledge.
● R is for Research.
We aim to gain customers' trust through advantages such as "R&D speed," "production cost," and "flexible delivery."
● Cannex is the leading supplier of electronic products. Commite to Go Green and Save the Earth.
● Strive to fulfill customer's demand on quality and service. Steer our business towards AI future.
● Cannex looks forward to thinking globally and acting locally.
We constantly encourage ourselves and strive forward.
● Quality、Trust、Confidentiality and Pleasant
are our core values and permanent insistence.
● Quality is our responsibility.
Efficiency is the competitiveness of our operations.
Amid the wave of industrial relocation, Cannex management team adheres to the spirit of staying rooted in Taiwan, with the philosophy of "Deeply rooted in Taiwan; Looking to the world" for sustainable business operations. In recent years, we have promoted the development of IoT applications and smart campuses, bringing more convenience to schools and society, contributing to a better life for humanity.
Focused on talent cultivation and training, continuously innovating, and steadily laying down the foundation, we strive to become a happy enterprise with "green energy and environmental responsibility, technical innovation as our strength, and service quality as our goal."
■ 總公司
台灣514 彰化縣溪湖鎮員鹿路二段182號
No.182, Sec. 2, Yuanlu Rd., Sihu Town 514, Changhua County, Taiwan
■ 台中辦公室
台灣407 台中市西屯區河南路二段262號9F-2 (中港長鴻大樓)
9F.-2, No. 262, Sec. 2, Henan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan
■ 日本事務所
556-0014 日本國大阪市浪速区大国町 1-2-21 NICビル 8F
NIC Bldg. 8F, 1-2-21, Daikoku, Naniwa-Ku OSAKA JAPAN. 556-0014